Welcome to Opt Out

Welcome to “Opt Out”, where I sit down with passionate people to learn why privacy matters to them, the tools and techniques they’ve found and leveraged, and where we encourage and inspire others towards personal privacy and data-sovereignty. I’m extremely excited to finally launch my own podcast and have a chance to sit down with some of the people I respect in the privacy space, and maybe even do some solo shows in the future.

What Opt Out is about

Each episode we’ll take a walk down the rabbit hole of privacy and data-sovereignty with a new guest, trying to better understand why people choose to value their privacy, what tools and approaches help them personally, and a bit about their privacy journey along the way.

Where to find Opt Out

While Opt Out is available on all major podcast platforms, you can also find each episode on my site, optoutpod.com.

The site will be the first place new episodes are published, hosts and serves the RSS feed for the podcast, and has handy buttons under the podcast description for jumping straight into your favorite podcast app at the show’s listing.

You can find video versions of each episode, along with the soundbites I make from each episode, on both YouTube and my self-hosted PeerTube instance:

You can also follow the show on Twitter @optoutpod, where updates, polls, new guests, and regular snippets from the show will be shared.

How to support Opt Out

If you like what I’m doing at Opt Out, you can support the podcast by sharing it with your friends, posting about it on social media, suggesting questions and guests for the show, or donating to help pay for operating costs via https://optoutpod.com/about/#donations.

Thanks in advance for listening, and I hope you learn as much as I do each episode!